Milky White Puppet

Director: Jacob Burlas
Set Design: Jennifer Marchese
Technical Director: Peter Norell
Stage Managers: Carolyn Marconi, Georgia Cullin
Prop Master: Georgia Cullin

Created for Randolph High School's production of Into the Woods. After discussions with the director, we decided to model the puppet off of the recent Into the Woods Broadway Revival.

I first started by creating a cardboard prototype of the puppet. This prototype was used for callbacks, then used for some rehearsals while the final version was created.

To create the final version of the puppet, I got the amazing experience to work with the County College of Morris Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing program. This allowed me to use their shop, and work with materials I did not otherwise have access to. They also assisted with making an opening jaw mechanism.

To create the final puppet, I designed all of the pieces in CAD to create a template/pattern for myself to work with. I then printed and traced these pieces onto cardboard and wood. We then cut, painted, and attached these pieces.
Prototype Milky White
Tracing Rib Portions onto Cardboard
Cut-lines on head side panel
Attaching head panels to each other pt. 1
Attaching head panels to each other pt. 2
Working on nose construction during power outage
Construction of Back Piece
Painting + Texturing of body pieces
Jaw Mechanism
Production Photo